Nghe Tab
        Thứ Hai, 17 tháng 1, 2011 - Thứ Hai, tháng 1 17, 2011 Boundary ...- Story .... Dai_Ky IV: - Speaking

        The next morning the sun will seem cold, but then also going into winter. To look tired I looked down the school yard, last night I could not have slept ... see you play soul that I crave, is to know at this age boys who have not had a few times thinking outside the stream, but they considered that it is obvious .. when I have to stretch the mind to ponder, and then shame, guilt, does not that's because I'm in love? Love a girl in bright and pure as morning dew? ..... Yeah right! As such, I can not let that cloud my thinking she was next .. I do not ....

        _Lai Standing here looking so good idea? Poet? -A soft voice interrupted my thoughts. I turned, she was holding a newspaper in front of chest, sparkling eyes smiled at me. Take a deep breath, the more I just confirmed what I think is right ... to be, simply can not ...!!!

        _Uhm, I was thinking of a person!-I looked at her smiling.

        _Ai Which can cause the heart to think the other poets so interesting!?-She was a little pout.

        Suddenly I'm thinking about the old days she is late for school and have to climb walls, and pictures of her while running out of my class, took a deep breath, cleared his throat I read:

        "Golf in sunny, dress me fly

        I stood dumb blind eye, soul ecstasy

        Wind whispered quietly playing in the leaves

        Republic share a passionate song "

        _Hay Too! -She said: _Qua course list any damage to transmission, but won for Who?

        _Gianh For a girl who was shocked clogs in my hand, pull a pair in my heart, and ran away without saying one word to me at all .- I smiled mysteriously.

        _Hieu ...!! - She flushed face, then right as I guess she went quickly turned into the class ... I watched enthralled, then soak quietly continued:

        "Golf in sunny coat you fly ..."

        c ♥ ♥ (¯ `gh • ♥ ♥ • '¯) ♥ ♥ d

        By early afternoon, I went to her house, the mood was more comfortable after the thought has, gotten rid of all these dark thoughts in my head, I saw quite relieved heart, yes! This is my life, quietly whistling and happy with my bike myself quickly, soon. Eagle trees and the familiar gates of her house had come ...

        She opens the door for me, as if she is blushing by the end of the story this morning, embarrassment and confusion evident on his face. I chuckled, but both also good sweat, does not understand why this morning my mouth again so violent?

        But embarrassment is one thing, but work is still work, but the principle must, it seems like I also think she should gradually gotten rid of it from the beginning. We focus on the work diligently, have gone almost half way, the content is an important point for newspapers, our fascination with the design drawings, written words meaning , chau broaching to his article, suddenly my head slightly to her well together, I saw her, caught her eyes looking at me ... well she said sheepishly turned away villages:

        _Theo I then put the following items jokes poetry page, you see?

        Although also very nervous, but anyway I was calmer, I flip out flip stuffs the pages said:

        _Vay The place to the appropriate entry for this?

        Action that makes me more closely to her person, her run and shoot me ... too. Seems saw her so I'm not managing stress for so long, I corrected his posture even less, as was her burden lift off my psychological being squeezed an accidental or intentional, even me also not clear anymore?

        _De Make me run down the floor a little snack!? -She spoke break the silence are covering, and not wait for my reaction, she rushed out the door leaving me with distracting thoughts.

        Suddenly stopped in front of my eyes ... clean rooms!? Oh no! I hand it to you first ... then ... the feeling .. it was still not completely out of my body! My heart was pounding, I just wanted her to rise quickly to help me chase it, right! Just saw her alone, that's the motivation I could win yourself that is not yours as well ...

        1 minute 2 minutes ... 3 minutes ... then ... How can that be so long!? Probably are not she avoided me? Die! Oh yes, why not wash your face into it a bit for children awake, cool water will do for me those with less inhibition in the heart of growing up, I got up to go in knowing I do not think so! !

        _Xoa! Delete! Once the water-cooling also makes me more comfortable so I looked up at her face through the mirror with a bit curious ... Suddenly I gasped reflections in the mirror is behind me for some clothes she is getting on the wall, each of which is white .. white color also pretty cute, panic, in my face down, then looked up. I tried gim breaths are increasingly overwhelmed and gim the curious desire is on the rise, I suddenly turned, step forward and put your hands up ... I lost it ... take my hand tremor seven touch it, inhale a deep breath, I take it down, I knew what it was then that ... her panties, yesterday, too ...! This is not the first time I saw this stuff, the shops, magazine and television abound, but why can compare with what I was holding, because that is her ... ..

        _Lach Way!-Back as the familiar opening door brought me back to reality, I immediately panicked get it back together, do not forget to wash your face before you step out:

        Underlays something so treat me!?-I again tried to be calm and smiling awkwardly.

        _Sao Side effect that this, or is the change in weather, colds and flu? I have drug it home!-Wheel drive Just give me, just ask her intently.

        I was startled, confused she took the wheel disk and then turned away to talk to the villagers, smiled a crooked Xếch:

        _a No! I do not why ... I just eat both work then, try to score now and tomorrow is finished!-Then I flip the switch sitting down eating a piece, but I saw cookies bitter break in the mouth .. . .. I want to cry too!

        _Sao That!? À cake is not delicious!?-She had to sit next to me from time to time.

        _Khong! Delicious! Delicious! But little while to eat, now my work has, to some so-Ngoc patterns while the head then, here eh, uhm? I started it! -I turned to talk nonstop and did not make eye contact with her assessment.

        _Nay, How so?! Suddenly her-nudge at me, I go back:

        _To Okay .. but not so! -Try to avoid her eyes I stammered.

        _Hieu Not stress that where, she said one day last week but was also submitted that, and they did not need anything important awards at all, just our best efforts, she and the class will also be recorded She only .- gently comforted me. Perhaps she was thinking I was being pressured by the paper. Whether it was her mistake, but her words that makes me feel less guilt are so burdened heart. I turn to her softly smiled and nodded:

        _Uhm, Jade was right ...!

        Then we started to work in a more aggressive, but sometimes I quietly turned to look at her, just saw seemed innocent and pure that only the palm of her I found peace again ... lovely face looked intently, black eyed sometimes get ại eyebrow raised as to whether the idea stuck, and then re-blooming cherry lips smile when think of a culture or idea .. . makes me silly look, which has forgotten the work being done ...

        Suddenly she held ...!- _Hieu this newspaper asked me to turn to like something, so that caught my eye just looking at her, she proved extremely confused:

        Ngoc Hieu _Sao looked so, today looks funny Jade do?

        I was startled, and somewhat vaguely regret the last minute, suddenly I slip of the mouth:

        Jade _Tai pretty too ...!

        Sentence makes my mouth forced her face crimson and red is my face ... not bad, that's the first compliment I know a girl, and also said that a sentence flirting first direct I won her, even a slip of the mouth. Space silent again embraces both of us are avoiding the two gaze at each other, she bent down gram, writers meaningless squiggly lines, I turned away, picking continuous pen .. . air passed heavily. As a result, I must open the word help quiet atmosphere of this silence:

        _Thoi Death, Jade wrote something on the level of fun is that?

        She provinces arc, and re-surface:

        _Thoi Die I'm sorry .. .. I do not know why!

        I brisk:

        _Khong Okay, this place no complex textures, I draw so fast! No matter what!

        She looked at me and smiled, I smiled and looked at her, but he is our eyes when he was different, I see something loving in her eyes at me .. and I believe that I'm going right direction!

        Late afternoon hours we have relatively complete, make only one more session is completed. I leave, she hands me the port ... and I was beginning to see the attachment in the eyes of her ... I just stood looking at her and she faltered, too. Suddenly a voice or aggression in the house his grandmother dispel helped fuel the emotions are in our hearts 2, she was startled, then bent down to lap adviser, said sheepishly:

        _Hieu Pull away late on!

        I nodded:

        _Ngoc At home ... well, tomorrow I'm sure that the northeast monsoon is blowing, you know, going to school tomorrow Ngoc remember to wear warm clothes lest cold nhé!

        She looked up at me:

        _Ngoc Know

        I rode my bike sped off, very pleased with the statement expressed their concern to her, I sneaked away to a distance look back, she saw the ball standing still faltered under the original look, almost bald eagle has leaves ... a cold wind blowing ... leaves flying fried paddy by charging ... but I still feel our hearts very warm .. In my head began more confident and have more faith in tomorrow .. I smiled chronic prayer ...

        c ♥ ♥ (¯ `gh • ♥ ♥ • '¯) ♥ ♥ d

        The next day was colder, but I also do not think much more concerned about the weather too, in my head this time only her alone. I quick ride to school, my school so far today, I just wanted to quickly come quickly, to see her lovely smile, eyes full of affectionate attachment that made the night I can not sleep just look bright sun ...

        Between our existing something really hard to describe, I would expect to see her be, but when I see something very strange that we are not natural anymore like the old days, we greet each other and laughed awkwardly as to avoid or cover up emotions and that is a rush of embarrassment, I'm happy with the boys laughed, her luxuriant also talking to us girls, but sometimes she turned to see up to , and I too, as we touched each other's eyes and then confused, then fleeing the sight of each other. But I know that I care about her and her too. Perhaps it is the 2nd we said to each other so little, anything, just the eyes peek rush .... But unlike previous times is the feeling alienated, but this time, between our two exists a sense of what it is ambiguous can not be explained.

        Early afternoon I went home with her. As well as unusual weather, the cold is so bright that afternoon the sun back down, I silently thanked Heaven for it, at least I do not want to sit with her party dress Patriarch cold ....

        She opens the door for me, his eyes should be fun when they see me, but turned away hastily, I looked up the tree was bare, almost all leaves eagle. Heart feeling quietly raised by the Board today is probably the last reasonable .. I came here today only newspaper that will only improve ... I went on softly sigh ...

        We quietly continued his work, not all exchanges exciting day, and I noticed her sitting a bit to keep my distance. I was disappointed and started to worry ... Maybe not my hunch is wrong .. why? Can not be like this, I got calm, and I began to talk to her about newspapers going to see the need to correct finishing what we started talking again and commentary, reviews, and gradually I felt see the invisible wall between me and her had been lifted, I inched closer to her than, well not see her reaction at all. We were close and to himself as the first session so I came here, mixed with lively comments are the stories of my funny jokes, giggle and smile clarity of her ...

        _Cach! -Being happy is when she dropped the pen, nobody told anybody, including me and her and bent down to pick up, we head back slightly and together, with me and she held up a pen, two little hands still clutched pens, I was shocked he looked at her and caught her eye and no less startling. 2 we looked at each other as the condensation time and again ... Suddenly she let out and retracted pen ... Natural hands by reflex, but I do not understand why such a reflex, I grabbed her hand . May I see her say:

        Why ..!!?? _Hieu ...

        To this country, I also had to labor under, looking straight into her eyes I stammered:

        _Hieu ... Hieu Ngoc ... dear .... very true!

        She tried to withdraw my hand but was hold on, she panicked:

        But ... do not be so _Khong Jade teased anymore, but ...!!

        I poured more than speak:

        _Ngoc Know that joke is not Hieu, Hieu Ngoc ... very dear!

        Then courage not understand where I spill the early evening hugged her and put her mouth on my first kiss and also of her, but just two lips touching something, stop for a moment, but for me it is the sweetest kiss ... I still hugged her with her strength, her resistance is pretty drastic:

        _Hieu ... No ... no!

        Fortunately, she was hard of hearing grandmother did not then heard her scream. I stated in my heart that her heart was pounding, because ... do not know what to do next. At this time of fear and regret has overwhelmed all my emotions, I'm just afraid that she would be struggling and down the tip of my big goals is life, my heart beating even stronger than her, I was shivering both shot up ... Then I saw her resistance weakened, the soft down on her in my arms, she suddenly cried fresh news. Fear and anxiety overwhelmed my soul, nor even know what to do anymore, I cried as well ...! Sometimes even longer than her to cry (now think about the new Chi phèo feel like too). We look at sample tears profusely nose, a small hand bum my mouth, opened my eyes hold out, through tears, I saw she was looking at me, eyes still make tears succulent and hair slightly flat on her cheek, making her even more charming, I looked at her with eyes of one who repents, but still appears to be no sign of a guy amorously Kant. Power of light and whispered:

        _Hieu ... .. Let Jade Jade was going to suffocate and then ...!

        I gasp and saw her still hug her, I gently let her out. I bow down to no expertise grams straight face:

        _Hieu Sorry ... sure are angry Hieu Ngoc Hieu .... so ... !

        She whispered:

        _Ngoc SPACE ... but when done earlier Hieu Ngoc Hieu afraid to know?

        I stammered:

        _Hieu .. Sorry .. well .. just because Hieu very dear Jade ... so ... Hieu Hieu also wonder why it does it again ...!

        Suddenly her hand gently stroked my hair, made me a surprise action, she said:

        _The Not perhaps just love it ... people do not know what's out there so that actions like that lah!? Ngoc Hieu this ancient thought is a gentle and shy, who doubt ...!!

        My embarrassment:

        Sorry .. _Hieu hate Ngoc Hieu so sure now ... would not it time Ngoc Hieu also no longer meet director, no longer face any longer met Jade ...

        Said not all questions I stammered clearing up the pen and leave, but walked out the door to clear the importance of her talk again raised:

        Ngoc Hieu _Nhung still want to see Jade again? ...

        I froze the back, she looked up at me, her cheeks flushed red, my trembling:

        _Vi Incomplete copy paper?

        She smiled shaking his head:

        _Chi Partly true!

        My heart nearly jumped out of my chest:

        Well ... maybe Jade _Khong

        Her sparkling eyes looking straight into my eyes, she nodded quietly.

        I almost bit further is jumping and shouting happily, if not to hide her name because she told me quietly sleeping under the cabinet. I rushed to hug her, this was absolutely no resistance at all. No more fear and anxiety while at first, now I'm starting to feel the softness of her body was in my arms, a success beyond expectations, I lightly kissed her hair, smells from the roof spread her hair in ecstasy made me happy, I mumbled whisper

        _Tu When ... when ... then from Jade?

        Quietly lean on my shoulder, she whispered:

        Jade did not understand what _Hieu say?

        _Y Ngoc Hieu also want to ask ... since when Hieu love!?

        She sheepishly pushed me out:

        _Ai Go ask people that question, but find themselves going to answer, only hours at work to pull pitches to finish tomorrow and then submitted, but no complete understanding to take responsibility for her nhé!

        My mischievous wink:

        _Vang, Sir!

        She giggled and fat that I am a female. Then we started our busy work that happiness. While doing the publicity we can give each other the loving eyes, showing concern, caressing each other, though still a little crestfallen and shy, not used to this strange new emotions. ..

        I never take a fall warm and gentle as this year!

        ๑۩۞۩๑♥๑۩۞۩๑ (¯`•♥(Đón Đọc Phần Tiếp)♥•´¯) ๑۩۞۩๑♥๑۩۞۩๑

        Đăng bởi: Love Hot

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