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        Thứ Hai, 17 tháng 1, 2011 - Thứ Hai, tháng 1 17, 2011 Boundary stories .... Dai_Ky ...- V: - Joinery

        The newspaper of the class do not be nothing, because most of the other class hire artists to draw and design. But me and her bare it all, we have tried our best and be proud with what they do with the efforts of myself, and in the hearts of two children, the awards were in and heart. Yes! Love is the greatest award that newspapers have brought us to the second, it can not close invaluable count. We are men enjoy drunken ecstasy of first love sweet life ...

        Still have a pair, but only two we know each other alone, as well as the shy kid, so we can avoid the outside layer and crowded places, anything, just a few eyes of love, the office secret heart. She often frown when I see my sword laughs with a few girlfriends. And I'm very upset when she saw all the exchange and only for a certain guy in class. The old days it was normal, but now such feelings have gradually appeared in two minds of us might call that jealousy is not? Yeah right! We're in love that ...!

        We've started to date. After every class we add together into Lake bike games, a clear blue lake surrounded by hills and green grass is always number one venue for two of us, because in a small town she would be very easy to flood and make sure you catch the next day we headed to the hottest news of the day of class. So I choose this place and she is quiet, clean, poetic scene. It is the world's two separate us, we may agree like fun, drop into the soul is floating blue clouds hovering over beginning to pursue a distant wish, or watch the sunset coming down so immersed in the sweet love of childhood innocence. Occasionally see a few buffalo boy with big eyes full of mischievous round pick, or the cleverness of your smile oyster fishermen along the lake, all was relatively peaceful scene ... very peaceful ... We say the ancient trade in the magical world of sunshine and when it ceased to herd buffalo children began to call on, someone had the flickering flames in the kitchen, subtle smell of burning straw concentration, we startled back to reality, to each of them a car and then hustle bike home, imagine the scene holding parents available at the door waiting for the whip ...

        We already know the lie to have more time together than make up every reason to leave the house. I then had a professional liar, but I can not imagine a girl kind, hardworking and honest as she could be lying ... Alas, the other a piece of that cute cute .. . true love really is extraordinary. On the old home of such detail: "Love one another strip that ah .. my parents have asked about the bridge .. .. wind ..." . Suddenly thought of the word "strip" I was startled! So long we fell in love with a pure love, love her since I have removed the dark thoughts in mind, we have intimate, a hug, kiss, the fence at that time I also flaming heart, but only just a glance, the thought of my only love and adore her, set out to build an ideal, drawing out a future vision of happiness, so in my current thoughts only love and learn ... And sometimes I'm ashamed for my past actions, I told myself to myself that my life will live pitches healthy students with a real love in the morning, then imagine me and her together took another step into university lecture halls with a bright future is open ... But now suddenly think of two words "strip", a verb is very simple, but I suggest the many problems , and helped fuel left in the dark I thought that I had to forget so long: "Why the old instruments have to love each other undress, took off his shirt to do ...?" My mind stretch, suggestive images and emotions such as overflow from the flood, which crushed the walls has built up in my subconscious and then flush rushing ... I tried to dismiss to forget, trying to stop it, get pregnant on Vancouver Island in the light of my love for her ... but I can not ... my whole body sweat pouring hot flashes ... I clenched teeth ... unconscious in the attack in the pants I reached into my existence ... which is a volcano with lava erupting hot ... I live just screaming mad ... I saw her suddenly being ... sitting next to her smiled at me and put her cool hand caressing my hair, clear forehead, face, neck down, down on me, her hand surf anywhere, I feel cool and comfortable Until then, like a welcome desert rain ... I see her as an angel down here to save my soul ... so how then removed her hand lightly on the arm is sticking to the sin in your pants .. then my arm gently borrowed under it ... I do not know what month say ... I want to happen again, but pulled his hand as the arm that was not my hands anymore ... She descent Where to melt out my hand to it ... then under my arms ... she progresses to the other volcano ... I scream! But I could not hear their screams ... was late ...... and .... I suddenly with a slight hot lava erupting up, strong ... it took both me and covering her with a terrible heat, I rushed to hug her, trying to struggle to escape, but desperate ....

        _Ram! .. Ram ...!!!

        Hieu _Con do so! À sick? Why that night screaming so ... open the door to see what Mother!

        Mother called me to pull the door of reality, I was startled though not all clusters up shocked, but hope to try to calm said:

        _Da Why do not you! Now open nightmares screaming so that's all I am so scared, why do not you! Mother to go to bed!

        _Troi Sir! Prohibit children from her shoes not seen many so-so films, ghost comic bloody violence with the offline ... just another obsessed mind this is also what the school for spring practice?

        Mother grumbled and turned away a few sentences. I sat as the guy lost soul himself, and then inserts his hand under my reflections on the pants, I wear pants cup soaked and sticky thing "fluid production people." I was dreaming ư planet!? Why I did not feel anything at all, I got the ball to u? Well it is the same, but why am I being of his sleep, even pictures of her out again. Mind that I sat confused, mixed feelings from the facts contradict your dreams ... then I have experienced a burning sensation and irritation from the depths that are now spread throughout the after two months from the time ... loved her glowing feeling inside the fence again arose in me ... intense than before ... I turn up at work to find green tables .. then this book ... ! Piece of paper she wrote for my old days ... those words pretty cute ... I put up nose breathing galaxy ... any sense for me to hand in your pants ...

        c ♥ ♥ (¯ `gh • ♥ ♥ • '¯) ♥ ♥ d

        _Hieu Waiting for Jade, Jade too tired, or stay a while away, Jade no longer lift my legs up May!

        _Troi Right, that last climb was a little tired of this world, so how can I keep my class are not careful is optimistic now!

        _Ngoc Tired, just rest for a moment only, then you move on, right! Take that!

        _Dung Consume, why am enthusiastic at that!

        _Thoi That ... just make fun of people ...


        _Nghi Slices nhé .. ^ ^

        _Thoi Was then, Jade has not wanted to go they could not carry well Hieu Ngoc 2 backpack filled with food this!

        _Hihi ... Who need to carry one where ... weird!

        She sat down on a relatively flat stone, the infiltration of sweat towel withdrawal. 2 flopped rucksack laden food down, I looked up at the sky, the sun was up top and then, in March the weather in summer is not necessarily pretty cool climate, coupled with the surrounding natural landscape full of trees and spring, I took a deep breath to enjoy the comfortable air of mountain woodlands. Today is March 26 so my class held a picnic at the pond King - Suoi Tien.

        _Chi Busy sightseeing alone, no interest in it at all! - He tried phiu sulky.

        I turned around, to sit beside her, smiled:

        _The People are doing so now!?

        _Chan Swollen rùi here! - Fatima, she looked at me with tears just swollen feet.

        I almost deleted:

        _Troi, Red swelling up like this, so out how!

        I knelt down to lift up her legs, gently massage the soles of the feet and then removed around the instep, I just delete the last blow. Pity her too, perhaps she may never have to climb mountains, overlooking a small peeled white feet in the palms of my injury I just have loved so much, if not bad you guys were playing for second extruding the three Perhaps the most serious plots my legs carried her to help bear this pain like that. Think more and more mercy, no sense that I put up a light kiss, I suddenly found her legs trembling, I looked up too worried to ask her why so, then caught her face was flushed. I then hand applied to her forehead:

        _Ngoc Red star that, or feel the sun!?

        She shyly:

        _Ngoc ... Okay okay ... but!

        I watched her eyes sparkle, his face red from the switch to blush cheeks, making me look silly on ignore, so now her beauty, her hair is removed as the day for the first time I loved her speak , sometimes a couple of breezes blowing through that a few curls flying low-level ripple delicate, peach, sweet cheeks, lips red berry is pretty marked my first kiss, on She now wore a short secondary type of stylized flowers, and after hugging pants sexy curves, long thin legs unfold clear white. From morning until now occupied with the burden of class and detonating a few items tired, I did not notice much about her, now between only two natural children together, I have the opportunity to carefully look at the treasures they are this property. Seeing that I looked like that, her page out of my hand:

        _Sao People just look so nostalgic!

        Then she turned up, but perhaps still more her leg pain and fatigue, so she has just stepped down the button right away, I turned up and hugged her, gave her support from a fall, then hold her and sit down:

        _Chua Pain that do stand up, but stand up to wear shoes at all but this place rocks .. only sharp, it hurts. - I whispered, hugging her.

        Her head on my shoulder says nothing, naturally in my heart a feeling unjustly, I was holding my broken body is soft inside, suddenly I lifted her chin up, and then set up a passionate kiss, She also flexible response, as we forget all the space and time with all that visible, passionate in the flavor of a sweet love was in flower and fruit forward to my ... inscribed onto her, I was dabbling in the hands of her dress to feel the skin to cool the body was shivering this is my first time doing so. Since love her, we often close, but never for too sublimated emotions. I was trying to suppress ...

        Even when they go through another terrible dream, from dream, always provoked in me a strong desire for a son adolescence, urged me to find how wide open the door of Eden, entering a new world, where I really was a man, grow up with desire, my desire to continue ... "alone" steady like the old days ... and always with the pictures of her. But when in contact with her, I fear wave of desire that will light up your love in our hurt her, so I'm still trying to endure the contradiction is his inner torment ... because everytime I see her smile, I see peace return to the heart and more guts to overcome temptations, to defeat the demon in me growing up ...

        But now the middle of nature, put its feelings about, each line of hot-blooded as any horse clinic, starting from the most secret of the man, running and spread throughout my body ... volcano has awakened in me and waiting for opportunities ... eruption of rational man I love to enjoy the emotion from the body are hot flashes and shaking her ... I kissed her passionately ... .. more instinctive split my tongue out of her pretty lips and then inserted into the tongue twisting her ... .. she seemed shocked when he first received this daring kiss ... But then the line was immersed in my feelings .... My hands slowly she opens up on people, tapping into the mantle, a mantle only way that I can again only to discover one two greatest of the nature that God has bestowed on her body ... I was thrilled to suffocate ... want to dance my heart out my chest ... I gently inserted a finger into the following classes children's clothing ... she suddenly stopped back of my hand ... holding her hand on my wrist, not allowing me to explore further ... and then she pushed me away:

        _Hieu Like this ... can not ... can not ... Hieu not understand!?

        She looked at me, two long tears on my cheeks flush. I was stunned and confused, so sorry in my growing up, I just do one thing nor is it contrary to their conscience but not to be with her, I bow down to no expertise in grams eye her:

        Hieu _Hieu ... sorry!

        Her serious tone:

        _Phai Sorry again how much is enough ... Hieu Hieu to apologize after doing the things that people do not want to do that huh?

        Suddenly I forced his mouth:

        Jade underlays really do not want ..?!

        She blushed:

        _Dung ... So!

        I looked straight into her eyes:

        _The's Feelings when Jade ....

        _Khong Talk about this anymore! - She advised me to interrupt. Then bend over backwards hui wear shoes.

        _Gan Past noon already! Hospitality that we have lost how much time, skill and class to the top you're back down and should be!

        _O! The earlier one asking themselves anonymously leave it ...?

        She glared me:

        _Nguoi Told to rest a bit, at Hieu long time!

        I grabbed found:

        _O Party Ngoc Hieu just want time to last forever!

        Her pout:

        BEM edge _Xoi mouth .. .. then again talks nonstop! Come starting to go!

        Then she stopped walking nguay ago, I stood as she stared at the back fence in the heart of vibrant, why I can not dismiss such thoughts out of his thoughts, we too young to think about. ...

        _Lam What it stood as the lost soul! There are not going there. - English as she coo bird.

        I was startled to hustle portable backpack shoulder:

        _Day Go here, but Jade did not do anything to eat?

        She smiled nhoen:

        _Khong Need to eat first! Breathe fresh air, drinking water that streams live well enough!

        _To Is no need to eat do not need fresh air and spring water is good living nè!

        Pole line hardware round her eyes in surprise:

        Hieu _Vay rather live on?

        I glance:

        _Tinh Love ..!

        She giggled, then punches on me thup Thum:

        Is the edge map _Dung .. BEM BEM BEM edge edge .. .. !

        We also laugh crispy tan in the sun, birds singing in harmony, murmuring streams are busy ... nature as the Festival song singing, happy with the joy of the people, with the sky and land with life again. ...

        Đăng bởi: Love Hot

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